Explanation | Element List |
First | Reporting period |
01/01/2024 | Current Start Date: |
30/06/2024 | Current End Date: |
Saudi Arabia , Riyals | Description of presentation currency: |
Actual | Level of rounding for monetary values: |
Enma Alrawabi Co. announces its Interim Financial results for the period ending on 30/06/2024 (Six Months) | Announcement Title |
%Change | Similar period for previous year | Current Period | Element List |
321.978 | 21515055 | 90788967 | Sales/Revenue |
226.175 | 12200907 | 39796404 | Net profit (Loss) |
9.226 | 536524390 | 586023048 | Total Shareholders Equity (after Deducting Minority Equity) |
0.31 | 0.99 | Profit (Loss) per Share |
Percentage of the capital (%) | Amount | Element List |
0% | 0 | Profit (Losses) Resulting From The Change In Investment Propertie’s Fair Value |
Explanation | Element List |
Total revenues increased by 321.978%, mainly due to:
The reason of the increase (decrease) in the sales/ revenues during the current period compared to the same period of the last year is |
The increase in net profit by 226.175% due to:
This came despite the increase in general and administrative expenses, and the increase in the provision for expected credit losses.
The reason of the increase (decrease) in the net profit during the current period compared to the same period of the last year is |
Unmodified conclusion | Statement of the type of external auditor's report |
NA | Reclassification of Comparison Items |
We would like to draw the attention of our valued shareholders to the fact that the interim financial statements for the period ending 30 June 2024 will be available through the company’s website after being sent to the relevant authorities. | Additional Information |